I’m Kora.
And I have always wanted to have a blog.
Believe it or not, my ego managed to hold me back for 18 years. I turned forty this year. That’s how long it took me to get here.
Well, I’ve had a bumpy start to life too, but that’s for another time and place.
I’m grateful that the Holy Spirit has finally managed to get me here.
In the future you will find spiritual content here that is really about remembering how to truly love again.
When you look at the state of the world, it seems quite difficult, and I agree, it’s not easy. It is simple, but not easy.
At first I thought about calling the blog godhabits, because I’m an avid reader of Leo’s zenhabits (this why i’m also using his theme, thank you Leo), but guess what? That was already taken. But the habits we learn in a Course in Miracles ultimately lead to God or heaven. A synonym. It would’ve been a very appropriate name. But now it’s actualizing.love
How do you like it?
I think it’s very practical and that’s what I want this blog to be, inspiring and practical.
If, like me, you feel the need to repeat the Course in Miracles teachings over and over again, stay with me and let’s do it together.
I’ve prepared a habit tracker to help us with the workbook lessons. You can download it here, it’s free. No strings attached.
I was going to deliver it on the 1st of January, but hey, better late than never and I can promote it again by the end of the year.
I’m currently in my third cycle of the workbook and no awakening so far.
Some glimpses of joy.
I’ve been studying the course for five years.
I’ve been blessed with a never-ending curiosity that has led me to a very good understanding. Understanding doesn’t help that much in spiritual matters, but a gal has to do something, so here i am.
People say I’m an inspiring personality, which I like very much because that’s all I’ve ever really wanted to be.
Okay, that’s all about me for now.
What about you?
Who are you?
Let me know in the comments how long you’ve been studying the course or maybe another scripture?
And how do you feel about your progress so far?